Welcome to your new blog

Aug 13, 2013, 3:13:29 AM

You're currently looking at an example blog post that's built directly into your Fotomerchant website. Pretty convenient huh? Feel free to delete this post and start creating your own. What sort of things can you do with the Fotomerchant blogging tool? Well, you could use it to:

  • Create a blog post that promotes each of your new galleries as you create them
  • Share stories and photos from your latest shoot
  • Link to information about your photography business
  • Promote special offers
  • Add images from your galleries
  • Or just share your love of photography on facebook, twitter and more...

What to do next:

  1. Create a blog post of your own
  2. Schedule a blog post to appear at a certain time of day
  3. Share your own blog post on social networks
  4. Blogging doesn't have to be hard. Experiment, share of yourself and have some fun

Now here's a bunch of fake copy interspersed with images which we hope you'll enjoy. I Dont Get It brother coffee essay architect facepalm super rage lose in class crying friendzoned. Freddie Mercury drink search anonymous basic math bottom michelle oh stop it, you food top. Really? Movie feel like a sir t-rex cat strangers mom dead silent hill male simpson. Note tank grey ba dumm tss laptop 9000 high school star wars meme phone luke.

Image attributed to Dario Sanches (licensed under creative commons)

Poker face problem? I See What You Did There why captain students you don't say? Facebook russia le girlfriend cereal elephant oboma amet cellphone bear gasp. Puking Rainbows for derpina nother to do here bart not okay easter like a boss no too mainstream avenger gag. Eat the avengers impossibru hammer 140% megusta bacon loki blizzard superhero alcohol. Lois bra good guy happy derp panda avengers movies.


Image attributed to Spettacolopuro (licensed under Creative Commons)

Geek always pikachu yao meme weekend sister in the avengers. Drink superhero t-rex not bad i'm watching u like a boss movie students so close gag. Bra bottom russia you don't say? Mom impossibru bear i see what you did there monocle unsave le girlfriend i know that feel nyan cat oh stop it, you. Not Okay michelle jackie chan dog avengers anonymous scared super rage games on pokeman alcohol. 

This is just the start of our plans for blogging so keep an eye out for more cool feature releases.